Supporting scientific and technical divisions

Collaborative Access Center

Technical maintenance of buildings and structures Department
Department of Technical Support of Experimental Studies
    Руководитель отдела: Nalobina Tamara Ivanovna
Electronic Communication Department
    Руководитель отдела: Postnikov Dmitriy Yakovlevich
Scientific Editorial Department
    Руководитель отдела: Yuntsevich Natal'ya Nikolaevna
Road Transport Service
    Руководитель отдела: Ovchinnikov Nikolay Viktorovich
Offset Printing Department
    Руководитель отдела: Arashkevich Vsevolod Vsevolodovich
Maintenance Department
    Руководитель отдела: Oberuhtina Galina Dmitrievna
Department of information support scientific research
    The head of department: Arapova Irina Yur'yevna