Department of Non-destructive Testing
Division structure:
Non-contact electromagnetic and electromagnetic-acoustic methods of control and diagnostics of industrial objects and products under operation condiitons
Head of Laboratory:
Doctor of Science (Engineering), Docent, Kostin Vladimir Nikolaevich, tel.: 374-43-61, 378-36-59
Non-contact electromagnetic and electromagnetic-acoustic methods of control and diagnostics of industrial objects and products under operation condiitons
Head of Laboratory:
Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, Smorodinskiy Yakov Gavrilovich, tel.: 374-43-82, 378-37-42
Magnetic structural analysis and diagnosis of stress state of objects made from steels and alloys used in the power industry and engineering
Head of Laboratory:
PhD (Engineering), Stashkov Aleksey Nikolaevich, tel.: 378-36-18
Head of Laboratory:
PhD (Engineering), Vasilenko Ol'ga Nikolaevna, tel.: 378 36 59
Head of Laboratory:
PhD (Engineering), Vasilenko Ol'ga Nikolaevna, tel.: 378-35-20