Gapontsev Vladimir Vital'yevich

Research associate  (Theory of Low-Dimensional Spin Systems Laboratory )

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Scientometric data (as of 20.08.2024):
Web of Science: h-index - 6; Sum of the Times Cited - 100
SCIENCE INDEX: h-index - 7; Sum of the Times Cited - 121
Personal pages of the author in the systems: Researcher ID, ORCID, SCIENCE INDEX


1) Anisotropy of exchange interactions in honeycomb ladder compound ReCl5 [Текст] / A.A. Vorobyova, A.I. Boltalin, D.M. Tsymbarenko, I.V. Morozov, T.M. Vasilchikova, V.V. Gapontsev, K.A. Lyssenko, S.V. Demishev, A.V. Semeno, S.V. Streltsov, O.S. Volkova // Materials Chemistry and Physics. — 2025. — V. 332. — P. 130215 (7 pages)

2) Effect of Interfacial Ion Migration on Oxidation in Fe/MgO/Gd Nanoheterostructures [Текст] / I.S. Zhidkov, V.V. Gapontsev, A.I. Kukharenko, S.O. Cholakh, E.A. Kravtsov, E.M. Yakunina, M.A. Milyaev, S.V. Streltsov, E.Z. Kurmaev // Physics of Metals and Metallography (english only). — 2024. — V. 125. — P. 83 (8 pages)

3) Distribution of the Composition across the Interface in Binary Alloys [Текст] / V.L. Gapontsev, A.V. Gapontsev, V.V. Gapontsev // Physics of Metals and Metallography. — 2024. — V. 125. — P. 1026 (9 pages)


1) V.V.Gapontsev, Spectral and magnetic properties of Na2RuO3 [Текст] / V.V.Gapontsev, A.Qamar, A.Moewes, E.Z.Kurmaev, C.I.Sathish, S.Yun, J.-G.Park, S.V.Streltsov // XVII International Feofilov Symposium on Spectroscopy of Crystals Doped with Rare Earth and Transition Metal Ions, 23-28 сентября, 2018 / Тез.докл.-Ekaterinburg:Ural Federal Univ.

2) V.V.Gapontsev, Spectral and magnetic properties of Na2RuO3 Na2RuO4 and Na3RuO4 [Текст] / V.V.Gapontsev, A.Qamar, A.Moewes, E.Z.Kurmaev, C.I.Sathish, S.Yun, J.-G.Park, S.V.Streltsov // Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM-2017), 1-5 июля, 2017 / Тез.докл,Lomonosov Moskow State Univ.

3) V.V.Gapontsev, High-pressure behavior of electron structure and electronic transport properties of europium [Текст] / V.V.Gapontsev, N.V.Morozova, S.V.Ovsyannikov, V.V.Shchennikov // 52-nd European High Pressure Research Group International Meeting (EHPRG-2014), 7-12 сентября, 2014 / Тез.докл.-Lyon,