Korotin Mikhail Arkad'yevich

Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics)

Deputy director, chief researcher, head of laboratory, head of department , coordinator of the scientific and educational components of the SEC from the IPM UB RAS (X-ray Spectroscopy Laboratory)

Contact information:
Phone.: 374-43-31 (дирекция), 378-35-65 (лаборатория)
Email: michael.korotin@imp.uran.ru

Scientometric data (as of 20.08.2024):
Web of Science: h-index - 33; Sum of the Times Cited - 7372
SCIENCE INDEX: h-index - 36; Sum of the Times Cited - 7757
Personal pages of the author in the systems: Researcher ID, ORCID, SCIENCE INDEX

Borned in Nizhnii Tagil. M.A. Korotin graduated from the Physics Department of the Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky (1983). He worked as a physics teacher (school 150), followed by computer science teacher (school 45). On the basis of school 45 he organized one of the first computer classes in Sverdlovsk (1986). Over 13 seasons he sang in the ancient music ensemble "Choral" (Ural State University, conducted by Galina Strepetova). Since 1987 he works at the Institute of Metal Physics, where he started as a senior engineer and now is Deputy Director for Science. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2004). 

He went on short-term trips abroad to the universities of Osnabrueck, Augsburg, Cologne, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart (Germany); University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy), Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden), University of Tokyo, National Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba (Japan), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA) for joint research.

Co-author of over 150 scientific publications. Research interests - theoretical study of the electronic structure, magnetic, and orbital ordering in the framework of Density Functional Theory and its modifications (LDA, LDA+U, LDA+U+SO, LDA+DMFT, CPA) to describe and predict the physical properties of real materials.

Most valuable own research and development (together with colleagues from IMP and RFNC-VNIITF) is the creation on the basis of first-principles studies of strongly correlated systems of a calculational technology for predicting the behavior of nuclear-active materials during radiation.

Winner of the grant for Doctors of Sciences of Russian Science Support Foundation (2006). Has an award of a name of outstanding Ural scientist I.M. Tsidilkovsky (2012). Was awarded by the Letter of thanks of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region (2012), diploma of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region (2017), departmental medal of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation "For Contribution to the Implementation of State Policy in the Field of Scientific and Technological Development" (2021), jubilee medal "300 years of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (2024).

Personal homepage is http://michael.korotin.name


1) Electronic structure of SrFe1-x(Mn,Co)xO3-δ: A CPA case study [Текст] / Veronika M. Zainullina, Michael A. Korotin, Victor L. Kozhevnikov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2024. — V. 971. — P. 172660 (8 pages)

2) Эволюция электронных свойств твердых растворов SrFe1-x-y-zAlxMnyCozO3 в зависимости от состава и степени локализации электронных состояний [Текст] / В. М. Зайнуллина, М. А. Коротин, В. Л. Кожевников // Письма в ЖЭТФ. — 2023. — V. 118. — P. 39 (7 pages)

3) Evolution of the electronic properties of SrFe1−x−y−zAlxMnyCozO3 solid solutions depending on the composition and the degree of localization of electronic states [Текст] / V.M. Zainullina, M.A. Korotin, V.L. Kozhevnikov // JETP Letters. — 2023. — V. 118. — P. 51 (7 pages)


1) В.М.Зайнуллина, Описание спектральных и магнитных свойств неупорядоченных твердофазных систем методом когерентного потенциала [Текст] / В.М.Зайнуллина, М.А.Коротин // Всероссийская конференция «Химия твердого тела и функциональные материалы – 2022» и XIV Симпозиум «Термодинамика и материаловедение», 10-13 октября, 2022 / Матер.конф.-Екатеринбург:ИХТТ УрО РАН.Изд-во «ДжиЛайм» ООО

2) М.И.Власов, Электронная структура Sr-допированного LaScO3 при инкорпорировании H2 и H2O [Текст] / М.И.Власов, В.М.Зайнуллина, М.А.Коротин, А.С.Фарленков, М.В.Ананьев // XXI Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии, 9-13 сентября, 2019 / Тез.докл. на электронном носителе

3) М.А.Коротин, Фундаментальные исследования сильно коррелированных систем и создание на их основе цифровой технологии прогнозирования поведения ядерно-активных материалов при облучении [Текст] / М.А.Коротин // Научный семинар «Цифровизация научных исследований и технологий», 24-25 апреля, 2019 / Тез.не изд.