Solovev Igor Vladimirovich

Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics)

Chief researcher (Theory of Low-Dimensional Spin Systems Laboratory )

Contact information:

Scientometric data (as of 20.08.2024):
Web of Science: h-index - 23; Sum of the Times Cited - 4994
SCIENCE INDEX: h-index - 0; Sum of the Times Cited - 0


1) Origin of ferromagnetic interactions in NaMnCl3 : How the response theory reconciles with Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules [Текст] / I. V. Solovyev, A. V. Ushakov, S. V. Streltsov // Physical Review B. — 2022. — V. 106. — P. 180401 (5 pages)

2) Microscopic origins and stability of ferromagnetism in Co3Sn2S2 [Текст] / Solovyev I.V., Nikolaev S.A., Ushakov A.V., Irkhin V.Yu., Tanaka A., Streltsov S.V. // Physical Review B. — 2022. — V. 105. — P. 14415 (12 pages)

3) Quantum spin liquid and cluster Mott insulator phases in the Mo3O8 magnets [Текст] / S.A. Nikolaev, I.V. Solovyev, S.V. Streltsov // NPJ Quantum Materials. — 2021. — V. 6. — P. 25 (8 pages)


1) S.Streltsov, Spin-orbit entangled Jeff = 1/2 state in 3d transition metal oxide CuAl2O4 [Текст] / S.Streltsov, I.Solovyev, S.Nikolaev, A.Ignatenko, V.Irkhin // School and workshop «Low-dimensional emergent phenomena in correlated systems and topological quantum matter», 1-10 июня, 2019 / Тез. не изд.

2) S.V.Streltsov, Spin-orbit entanglement resulting in anisotropic compass model and absence of Jahn-Teller distortions in CuAl2O4 [Текст] / S.V.Streltsov, S.Nikolaev, I.Solovyev, C.Kim, A.Ignatenko, H.Cho, S.Baidya, A.Go, H.Jin, V.Yu.Irkhin, D.I.Khomskii, J.Park // APS March Meeting 2019, 4-8 марта, 2019 / Тез. не изд.

3) S.Streltsov, Spin-orbit entangled Jeff = 1/2 state in 3d transition metal oxide CuAl2O4 [Текст] / S.Streltsov, I.Solovyev, S.Nikolaev, A.Ignatenko, V.Irkhin // International conference AMM-2019 «Ab-initio modeling of advanced materials», 10-13 сентября, 2019 / Тез.докл