Quantum Nano-spintronics Laboratory
Научный руководитель института, chief researcher, head of department , Academician RAS, Ustinov Vladimir Vasil'yevich
Chief researcher, head of laboratory, head of department , Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Milyaev Mikhail Anatol'yevich
Laboratory staff: fellow worker - 24, of which: doctors of Sciences - 5, candidates of Sciences - 11
Brief information
The Laboratory of Quantum Nanospintronics was established by the order of the Director of the Institute (No. 12 dated 05 February 2014) in accordance with the decision to allocate a grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research conducted under the guidance of leading scientists in Russian educational institutions of higher professional education, scientific institutions of state academies of sciences and state scientific centres of the Russian Federation on the topic: "Magnetic nano-optics devices with controlled loss and noise, functio ns of the quantum nano-optics". Until 2019, the leading scientist of the project and head of the laboratory was a German citizen, Professor of the Institute of Applied Physics of the University of Münster Sergey Olegovich Demokritov. Since 2019, the laboratory has been headed by Dr Mikhail Anatolievich Milyaev.
Scientific activities of the laboratory
- Spin transport in electrically conducting magnetics and nanoheterostructures based on them.
- Magnetic nanostructures: synthesis technologies, physical properties and applications in spintronics.
Experimental opportunities
- Ultra-high vacuum molecular beam epitaxy setup «Katun-S»
- FEI Inspect F scanning electron microscope
- Automated scanning probe microscope NT-MDT «Solver Next»
- Automated X-ray diffractometer DRON-3M
- Automated vibrating magnetometer AVM-1 (IMP Ural Branch of RAS)
- Installation for studies of galvanomagnetic properties RTF-1 (IMP Ural Branch of RAS)
- SUSS MJB4 exposure and alignment setup
- Optical white light profilometer ZygoLOT NewView 7300
- Table-top metal and carbon sputtering machine Quorum Q 150T ES
- Semi-automatic ultrasonic micro welding machine TPT HB16
- Cascade PM5 probe station
- Milipore Elix 10 ultrapure water treatment system
- Sawatec SM 180 Laboratory Centrifuge
- Sawatec HP 150 temperature stage
- Secotom-15 cutting machine
- Hermetic clean room module for technology nanospintronics
- Heidelberg Instruments DWL 66+ maskless laser lithography system