Laboratory of mechanical properties of IMP UB RAS appeared in January 1932, as a group, with the theme "Study of plastic deformation of metals" in accordance with the first order at the Ural physico-technical Institute (UrPTI), created on the initiative of academician A. F. Ioffe on the basis of the Leningrad physico-technical Institute. The group included famous people - M.V. Yakutovich, E.S. Yakovleva, M.D. Mochalov, M.O. Kornfeld, P.M. Bychkova. In 1934 the group was renamed the research Division of the mechanical properties, in which the trainees V.A. Pavlov, F.P. Rybalko, F.S. Savitsky. By the time of the relocation of the Institute in Sverdlovsk (1935-36.) the divisions are discontinued and appears UrPTI laboratory of mechanical properties. The first head of the laboratory from 1932 to 1949 was Mikhail V. Yakutovych - the pupil of academician N. N. Davidenkova. Further laboratory led by G. N. Kolesnikov (1949-1951), Professor Viktor A. Pavlov (1951-1981), Prof. interviewer Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Victor V. Sagaradze (1982-2014 years). Since 2014, the laboratory is headed by Dr. Technical Sciences, Prof. Alexey V. Makarov.

The group of mössbauer spectroscopy took shape in the laboratory of mechanical properties in the early 1980-ies with the V.A. Shabashov advent. In a group at different times were such experts in the field of spectrometric analysis, G.A. Volkov, A.G. Golikov, N.P. Filippova, T.M. Lapina, S.V. Morozov, A.G. Mukoseev. Currently in the group under leadership of V. A. Shabashov work Ph.D. A.V. Litvinov, candidate of Phys.-M.D. K.A. Kozlov, candidate of Phys.-M.D. K.A. Lyashkov, ead electronics A.E. Zamatovsky. In the last five years, employees of the group have been prepared and published more than 20 original articles in peer-reviewed journals, about half of them abroad.